What to Watch on Netflix

For this week’s What to Watch on Netflix I thought it would only be right to give y’all a throwback sitcom. I’ve been seeing a lot of people asking about a series to watch and with everything going on in this day and age I feel it’s only right to promote something funny just to take your mind away from all the stress. This week … Continue reading What to Watch on Netflix

What to Watch on Netflix

As most of our adult lives are getting real I think it’s a perfect time to take a trip back to simpler times with a childhood classic.  Presenting this week’s Netflix recommendation, Holes. You know the story by now, Stanley Yelnats IV lived with his family in Texas. The quiky kid’s life changed when he is falsely accused of stealing a pair of sneakers landing … Continue reading What to Watch on Netflix

What To Watch On Netflix

It’s always nice to have lifelong friends, friends you’ve known since diaper days. So it’s only right to go down memory lane when during monumental occasions like college graduations, weddings, or the birth of a child. Those stepping stones in life remind you how many precious moments you’ve had together and how lucky you are to be able to sit back and laugh about them in hindsight. … Continue reading What To Watch On Netflix

What to Watch This Week on Netflix

One of the most unfortunate happenings that I feel go forgotten of World War II was the Holocaust. Just imagine being burned alive and forced to suffer under the conditions some had to. Now imagine being a child and completely oblivious to what is going on or why it is even taking place. In this week’s What To Watch On Netflix you’ll see a friendship … Continue reading What to Watch This Week on Netflix

What to Watch This Week on Netflix

Ever had a dream where you felt as if you were falling? What about this, ever had a dream so bad you woke up gasping for air and thanking God you’d only been dreaming? In this week’s What to Watch on Netflix you’ll meet a 14 year old little girl named Susie Salmon who’ll have a similar yet different experience to those dreams in the … Continue reading What to Watch This Week on Netflix

What to Watch This Week on Netflix 

For ten million dollars, would you rather stab yourself in the eye or stab your best friend in the eye? Bold question to start out with I know but for this week’s What to Watch on Netflix you’ll have to watch on an empty stomach due to the extremely insane nature of Would You Rather.   Imagine this. Your brother is really sick. You’re the … Continue reading What to Watch This Week on Netflix 

What to Watch This Week on Netflix

Unfortunately Krystal had a family emergency so she couldn’t do what to watch this week. Have no fear though because I’ve got a pick for the week. With the deaths of Philando Castil, Delrawn Small, and Alton Sterling this week, the deaths of black men by police officers has been at the forefront of the national conscious yet again. The similarities of all of these … Continue reading What to Watch This Week on Netflix

What to Watch This Week on Netflix

Remember going to your high school football and basketball games? Ahhh the good ol’ days. Rooting for your team with all your friends celebrating every shot or touchdown they made. Or maybe you were on the team playing, trying to score before that clock hit 0:00 in the fourth quarter of a tied game. You could’ve been a cheerleader on the side line cheering your life away … Continue reading What to Watch This Week on Netflix