Donald Trump "Jokingly" Threatens Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump made a speech in Wilmington, North Carolina on Tuesday. During the speech, he talked about Hillary Clinton’s possible picks for the Supreme Court and how they could affect the Second Amendment. “Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” Trump said. (That’s not true, even if you include the word “essentially.”) “And if she gets to pick…” he continued, “if she … Continue reading Donald Trump "Jokingly" Threatens Hillary Clinton

Presidential Primer: 4 Candidates on 5 Key Issues

This is truly an election cycle like no other in modern American politics. There has never been a presidential race in which the two mainstream candidates were met with such dislike and distrust by the American populace. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, with their gaffes and perceived dishonesty, have inspired voters all over to not only cross party lines for this election, but abandon … Continue reading Presidential Primer: 4 Candidates on 5 Key Issues