Memorial Day: The Underappreciated Champions of America

Our veterans of the many of different branches of the Armed Forces have been through Hell and high water. This is on and off of the battlefield. Before all of this, they must physically and mentally prepare themselves for the rigors of war, or other jobs that they must do.  Some of them are kids… Only 18 years old… Going to war! That’s a very … Continue reading Memorial Day: The Underappreciated Champions of America

Brave: Small Words, Big Actions

  Editor’s note: This is an article by Kailey Rhone, one of the newest additions to The Demo Tape staff.   I have a crimson-colored Mirriam-Webster Dictionary on my book shelf. Amongst its pages is the definition for the word “brave.” An adjective, it means “having or showing courage.” In an alternate definition, this five-lettered word means “making a fine show.” The image that is inextricably linked to … Continue reading Brave: Small Words, Big Actions

Poetry Corner | Meet John Hulede

For this Artist Spotlight, we bring you something different from the usual. No, not an emcee, a songwriter, nor a singer, but John Hulede is an artist in his own right. The aspiring poet recently published his first poetry chapbook, “Becoming a Man,” discussing topics ranging from everything from family to racism. As Hulede puts it, “This chapbook illustrates a story of a boy falling … Continue reading Poetry Corner | Meet John Hulede

An Open Letter to the New Girl Moving Into My Old College Apartment

Dear 501 A, Today is the first day of what should be my last semester of college. I have not ordered my textbooks, I do not have any notebooks or ballpoint pens ready to go in my backpack, nor do I have my very important first-day-of-class outfit picked out. The funny thing is, none of these things will get checked off, because there is no … Continue reading An Open Letter to the New Girl Moving Into My Old College Apartment

Expectations Vs Your Reality

Expectations. A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. The moment we’re born our parents expect certain goals for us to reach throughout our life. How would life be if we weren’t expected to do anything? If we could just make each and every decision on our own. Everyone is expected to go to school, graduate,and  then either go … Continue reading Expectations Vs Your Reality