Girl Talk: Weaves

Weaves. Some females can’t live with them while some can’t live without them. I would say a weave is something I get about 3-6 times throughout the year. I find that they are easy to manage and of course the obvious reason, they add any length I want to my hair within a couple hours. If you get it done right you can toss it up in a ponytail, curl it, twist it, or even add flexi rods and go on about your day. That’s all nice until it’s time to take the weave out.

One major key to a weave in my opinion would be managing your leave out appropriately if you don’t get a closure. You never notice the damage until it’s time to take out the weave. Now because I have natural hair, when I take out a weave all of my hair that was nice and braided up is good, but my leave out sometimes either has heat damage or has broken off. You may find that you completely destroyed your curl pattern. Now you’re a meme that everyone’s laughing at on Twitter because you have curly pretty hair all around except for on the top of your head.

Oh and let me not get started on those edges. If you leave out your edges without taking care of your hair expect to have no edges. Your edges will do just the same as your leave out if not taken care of appropriately. I find a weave is more manageable in the fall and winter months versus the spring and summer months.

One note I have for my fellas about weaves, if your lady has scissors to her head when she’s taking her weave out HELP HER!!!!! This will avoid her cutting any part of her own hair, whether it’s the leave out or the braid, when trying to cut the thread. If you don’t help her but sit there and watch she’ll most certainly blame you anyway. You’ll hear that you moved when she went to cut or some other excuse.

At the end of the day however the message is if you get a weave please please please still take the necessary steps to take care of it as if it was your own. Never forget about your leave out either! Also be extremely careful when it comes to taking out your weave. Lastly fellas, help a sista out!!!

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