Best Kept | Meet Reem Unknown

“$KRT OFF” by MikeyTha$avage. “Paradise” by Koi Kurama. “Feeling Great” by 00 Doma. The list goes on, but any way you cut it, seventeen-year-old Reem Unknown’s resume speaks for itself. At just 17 years of age, the Baltimore native has been able to hone his talents and become one of the best young producers out. He says it all started in middle school, when artists … Continue reading Best Kept | Meet Reem Unknown

What to Watch This Week on Netflix

Remember going to your high school football and basketball games? Ahhh the good ol’ days. Rooting for your team with all your friends celebrating every shot or touchdown they made. Or maybe you were on the team playing, trying to score before that clock hit 0:00 in the fourth quarter of a tied game. You could’ve been a cheerleader on the side line cheering your life away … Continue reading What to Watch This Week on Netflix

Audio Dope | Meet Dboi Da Dome

Becoming a rapper was never on the mind of Dboi Da Dome, as he and many others he said viewed it as “for coons.” It wasn’t until after his incarceration in Atlanta that he wanted to change his life’s trajectory. Ten years later, Dboi is one of the most recognizable faces in Baltimore rap music. So ingrained with West Baltimore, Dboi even got his name … Continue reading Audio Dope | Meet Dboi Da Dome

Free Boogie: Why the Kings Should Let DeMarcus Cousins Walk

When the Sacramento Kings selected DeMarcus Cousins with the 5th overall pick in the 2010 NBA Draft, they believed they had acquired their franchise player of the future. The man nicknamed “Boogie” is the biggest star to play in Sacramento since Chris Webber, but the Kings’ front office has done little to nothing to keep the All-Star big man happy. The Kings owned the No. … Continue reading Free Boogie: Why the Kings Should Let DeMarcus Cousins Walk

Does Baltimore Deserve an NBA Franchise

I talk about it every year. Every chance that I get, I let people know that Baltimore is deserving of an NBA franchise. We have the loyal fans, a city that loves basketball and will go to lengths just to attend high school games. There is just one problem, a very big problem. Baltimore doesn’t have an NBA-ready facility. Renovation Yes, please tell me how … Continue reading Does Baltimore Deserve an NBA Franchise

Sounds of The Trenches: Lor Scoota's Essential Hits

New York has A$AP Rocky. Chicago has Chance. Los Angeles has Kendrick.

Every city has their rap representative and until the summer of 2014, Baltimore was missing an identity in the rap game. Though locals like  A$AP Ant & King Los claim the city, they don’t represent the culture as a whole.

Then, the city caught the very infectious birdflu and the masses have been sneezing and cooking it up since. Tyriece “Lor Scoota” Watson wasn’t just your local trapper with a Soundcloud link and a couple of connections. He was a whole movement known as #ScootaUpNext.

Continue reading “Sounds of The Trenches: Lor Scoota's Essential Hits”

And The BET Award Goes To…

We are just several hours away from the biggest day of the year for Black Entertainment Television, the BET Awards 2016, which will take place tonight at Eastern Time. Each and every year, fans take to social media debate about whether or not the selection committee got the winners right, which they quite often do not. Well TDT has you covered because our team is … Continue reading And The BET Award Goes To…