Bae Brackets Round 1 – Matchup #4: Autumn Williams v. D.J. Tanner






Matchup #4 of the first round features Autumn Williams of the Nickelodeon sitcom Just Jordan and D.J. Tanner of Full House. Chelsea Tavares (here’s her Instagram because I know somebody is going to want to know —–> here) played supermodel Autumn Williams for 2 season on Just Jordan. However, the show failed to have the longevity of many of the shows that have have characters in the Bae Brackets, as it only lasted 30 episodes. Though short lived on the air, we saw qualities demonstrated by Autumn that would potentially make her a candidate to do well in the Bae Brackets.

Unfortunately for Autumn, she was matched up against D.J. Tanner in the first round who is no stranger to longevity. Candace Cameron starred as D.J. Tanner in the family sitcom Full House for 8 seasons in a total of 192 episodes. D.J. was the compassionate oldest sister of the show. Not only kind and responsible, but also intelligent. D.J., in the final season of the show, was on her way to attending University of California, Berkley after completing high school. D.J. was known for entering the scene, accompanied by some soft wind instruments, whenever her young sister Stephanie needed a lift and was always there to provide one.

This was probably our closest debate yet:

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Bae Brackets Round 1 – Matchup #3: Ashley Banks v. Nina Jones






Continuing on with the Bae Brackets, we bring to you the third matchup of the first round. Ashley Banks, played by Tatyana Ali, starred in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air for 6 seasons. Ashley was often caught between remaining obedient to her parents and wanting to be a free spirit under her cousin Will Smith. Ashley’s character matures throughout the series; becoming more mature and independent while keeping her kind and innocent nature intact.

Her matchup for round 1 also possessed similar qualities. Nina Jones, from Cousin Skeeter, not only had a kind, caring personality as well but she was also a straight-A student. Nina was best friends with fellow main character Bobby Walker and had an apparent crush on him. However, she sometimes let her feelings come over her and would become possessive over Bobby and prevent any other girl from trying to talk to him.

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Before He Was The King

Michael Jackson is affectionately known as “The King of Pop”, but what about his career before pop? Active from the 60s through the current millenium, Jackson’s catalog is massive. Many of Jackson’s hits from his solo career are well known and contribute to the “King of Pop” moniker. When writing this article however, I decided to narrow my time frame to the 70s to show how much great music Michael was a part of before going completely solo.This article is meant to introduce you to music that you may not be familiar with. It will mainly feature songs from Michael’s time singing lead for the Jackson 5 and later the Jacksons. I felt this would be a good wrinkle in comparison to other tributes that primarily focus on his solo career from 1979’s Off the Wall through 2001’s Invincible. I also tried to select numerous songs that were not readily featured on greatest hits albums or compilations; so keep in mind this is not a comprehensive greatest hit list. This is why popular songs such as “Ben”, “Dancing Machine”, “Blame it on the Boogie”, and “This Place Hotel” are absent from the list. Continue reading “Before He Was The King”

Bae Brackets Round 1 – Matchup #2: Gina Waters-Payne v. Whitley Gilbert









For our second #BaeBrackets matchup, we bring to you female characters from two of the most popular TV sitcoms of their time. For starters, Gina Payne was the ideal wife for many people in the 90s as she starred in the sitcom Martin. To be honest, if this whole tournament was seeded, Gina would have very well been a #1 seed. Gina, played by Tisha Campbell, was the girlfriend, and later on wife, of Martin Payne; played by Martin Lawrence. Gina was gorgeous, smart, had a good job, and was always there to defend Martin when Pam was about to give him the hands; that’s real love right there. If there was a Bae Hall of Fame, Gina would be inshrined in the fancy part with the good lighting accompanied by a video presentation or slideshow of some sorts.

As for her matchup, Whitley Gilbert held her own on A Different World. If we were talking strictly first season Whitley, then she probably doesn’t stand a chance here. Luckily for Gilbert, there are 6 seasons in A Different World. Although Whitley Gilbert did not change her character entirely, she did make some changes in her personality that have brought her into this field of 64. Changes that eventually led her to even being the love interest of Dwayne Wayne. Stuck-up, snobby, arrogant, any synonym for the previously mentioned words…she was probably that. However, she was also outgoing and charismatics at time. Whitley was the type to take charge and would not settle for anything less than that. Anything that concerned her, and even things that didn’t, she wanted to be the primary voice of. Anything she was a part of, she wanted to be the Beyoncé of even if you considered her the Michelle Williams of the group.

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The Week in Review

VA Shooting

Shooting Victims
Photo courtesy of The National Association of Hispanic Journalists website

As it is whenever tragedies such as this occur, the narrative is bent to suit the agenda of the speaker. Racism, homophobia, mental health issues, and gun laws have all been cited as the root of Bryce Williams’ actions. Everyone has an opinion on this matter and what can be done to prevent future tragedies like this so, at the moment I will not be lending my voice to that chorus. Instead I will suggest humility and urge you to ask whatever higher power you believe in to ease the hearts and souls of the families of these victims. Pray for the families of the victim as well as the family of the shooter because at the end of the day all three of those groups lost a member of their family. Though tragic hopefully everyone involved can find some sort of peace in this horrible situation. Senseless violence is never the answer. Continue reading “The Week in Review”

Bae Brackets Round 1 – Matchup #1: Sabrina Spellman v. Myra Monkhouse








Our first matchup of the Bae Brackets is brought to you by the 90s. Based on the comic book of the same name, Melissa Joan Hart started as Sabrina Spellman in the sitcom Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. Sabrina finds out on her 16th birthday that she is a witch and posses the same powers as her aunts, with whom she lives, who are 600 years old. Along with having to manuever through high school, Sabrina is faced with the challenge of learning how to use her magical powers with the help of her magical talking cat, Salem.

Matched up against Sabrina is the love interest of Steve Urkel himself. Myra Monkhouse, portrayed by Michelle Thomas, starred in Family Matters alongside one of America’s favorite families in the Winslows. Myra had an affection towards nerdy boys and polka music. Her sometimes possessive mentality over Steve at times showed to be frustrating for him. However, no matter how hard he fought, Myra’s love for him remained. Continue reading “Bae Brackets Round 1 – Matchup #1: Sabrina Spellman v. Myra Monkhouse”

The Bae Brackets: A Quick Overview

 In honor of cuffing season approaching, we here at the Demo Tape bring to you our “bae brackets”. Not only to narrow down to an answer of who is the perfect sitcom bae, but what you should probably be looking for (and looking out for) in your potential bae you might plan on cuffing this season. No worries, cuffing season is sill in the training camp stage at the moment so you have plenty of time. While you wait, enjoy our panel discussion as we bring to you our #BaeBrackets.

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The Demo Tape Presents: The Bae Brackets

It’s hunting season again. Deer. Squirrels. Bears. And Baes. There comes a time everywhere where everyone must prep in order to not spend the cold months of the year all alone watching Netflix accompanied by a tub of ice cream on a couch every Friday night (not that there’s anything wrong with that…if that’s what you’re in to). For others, the weeks leading up to … Continue reading The Demo Tape Presents: The Bae Brackets

5 Predictions About the NFC East

– Robert Griffin III will play the whole season

This may be the most bold of all the predictions, but I believe in him. I also believe he and the Redskins should just mutually agree to part ways; but that’s another article for another day. The Redskins spent their first round pick this year on OT from Iowa Brandon Scherff. In the process, making him the first offensive lineman picked in the draft and making RGIII’s pocket protection a priority.


– The Eagles will win the NFC East

With the injury to Cowboys cornerback Orlando Scandrick, this decision was made all the more easier. The Eagles are a far more complete team on paper this season. If Sam Bradford can stay healthy and the Eagles even get a fraction of what DeMarco Murray gave the Cowboys last season, the division should be theirs for the taking. They’ve looked impressive this preseason (although we all know how misleading preseason results can be) and should be able to ride the wave into the regular season.


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All-Caucasian NBA Team

Earlier this month, the NBA held an exhibition game in Africa showcasing the most talented American-born players the NBA had to offer competing against their counterparts hailing from Africa. Besides the absence of a point guard, the Team Africa roster was very (very) talented in my opinion. The roster was made up of all-stars Luol Deng and Serge Ibaka with young talents such as Giannis Antetokounmpo and Nicolas Batum; to name a few. Which led me to the question, what would an all Caucasian NBA starting 5 look like? A starting lineup composed of 5 American-born white males currently in the NBA. We usually see the NBA as African-American dominated with star players such as LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Steph Curry, etc. So I thought about it….then thought about it some more….and here’s what I came up with: Continue reading “All-Caucasian NBA Team”